Joe is a highly sought after media commentator. Below are examples of books, recognition events and articles where Joe is quoted as well as radio and network television appearances.”
In 2007, Joe’s innovative advice to 21st century managers was included in the New York Times bestseller titled The World is Flat. The comment, which was part of a section captioned The Great Adapters quoted Joe as follows: “With flat or even smaller budgets and fewer people, managers need to make the most of the people they have . . . They can no longer see people as specialty tools. And their people need to become less like specialty tools and more like Swiss Army Knives. Those Swiss Army knives are the versatilists.” This type of forward-looking, innovative and insightful advice are common themes you will find whenever Joe is quoted.
In Books:

In this look at the wonders of the present global world, Pulitzer prize winning author Thomas L. Friedman quotes Joe on the topic of versatilists.

In this groundbreaking book that explores how organizations can make the most of their people through a strategic project office model, author J. Kent Crawford and Jeanette Cabanis-Brewin of the Center for Business Excellence include Joe’s SLA design tips as part of the tools they recommend for establishing project friendly human resource practices.

In this volume by K. Sangeetha and Chitra Mukunnan, you will find a section that shares Joe’s practices and insights on the topic of engaging talented people.”

In this book co-authored by Edna Chun on how companies need to integrate HR and diversity strategy, the authors share Joe’s highly successful Diversity and Inclusion capability maturity model designed to drive and measure this process.
In Recognition Events:
2010 Most Important Hispanics in Technology, Government & Business – Joe was listed among the Most Important Hispanics in Technology, Government & Business in 2010 (Page 44 of the 2010 Spring issue of Hispanic Engineer & IT magazine)

Recognition Dinner and Award Event
Diversity Officer Leadership Award – Press release appearing in announcing 2008 CEO Diversity Leadership Awards as well as the Diversity Leadership Officer Awards received by Joe Santana from Diversity Best Practices
2011 Most Important Hispanics in Technology, Government & Business – Joe was listed again among the Most Important Hispanics in Technology, Government & Business in 2011 (Page 34 of the 2011 Spring issue of Hispanic Engineer & IT magazine)
In Articles:
Joe Santana on Diversity and Inclusion: I Want to Challenge You – This interview with Joe provides a peek at the timely topics he will explore at the March 2015 i4cp convention in Scottsdale, AZ-
Creating a Culture of Change Requires Leadership Development – This article by Robert Dragone, CEO of Aqqolade, quotes Joe on the need to evolve the development of organizational leaders in order to help companies capture new opportunities and address new challenges.
Global Accounting Alliance– This article by George W. Russell directed at Hong Kong listed companies, quotes Joe on the need to move carefully and strategically to avoid having the diversity brought into the Board side-lined.
The Glass Hammer – This article by Robin Madell, quotes Joe on why having executives that “get-it” when it comes to diversity is not enough to drive real change that promotes inclusion. The article goes on to provide advice from Joe and others on how to drive real inclusion.
HRM – This quotes Joe on how small businesses can invest in diversity and inclusion efforts despite a small budget
In Radio, Podcast, video interviews and Network Television Appearances:
INChamber Podcast: Lifting Up Your Employees Interview with Tom Schuman, host of the INChamber on how DEI and ERGs can help organizations to meet one of the most pressing business needs.
Aqqolade Leadership Matters Podcast Interview with Robert Dragone and Devie Dragone on the topic of workplace inclusion.
Darlene Hunter Show Interview with Darlene Hunter on the topic of diversity and inclusion 2013.
Video Interview Click below for a short video interview Joe filmed in Vienna, Austria 2013 about his background and philosophies
NY Business Forum Radio Interviewed by host Ron Thomas on the topic of business automation in 1998
Fox Five Television Interview. Interviewed for the McCreary Report by reporter Don Alexander on the topic of Internet Marketing in 1996.